MAVI is a sophisticated piece of technology that can improve the lifestyle of blind and visually impaired individuals. The MAVI can detect object 2 feet to the side of a blind individual as well as low hanging objects, steps, ditches and anything in front of the blind individual. The MAVI can detect objects up to 10 feet in front of the user. The devices comes with a switch which allows the blind individual to change the distance that the front can detect from 5 feet to 10 feet. This allows the blind individual to have a wider range of options.

The MAVI comes with three pieces. Every time one of the pieces are turned on or off a tune will be played. Likewise a tone will be used to alert the user of the battery level of the MAVI. This tone will be played directly after the MAVI is turned on.
The first two pieces are similar. You attach these pieces to the side of your arm with the sensors pointing outwards. These pieces can detect anything 2 feet to the side of the user. If there is an object within 2 feet then the piece will start vibrating. The closer the object, the more intense the vibration will be.
The third piece is attached to the center of the waistline or belt of the user. This piece can detect any low hanging objects, steps, ditches and anything in front of the user. It comes with a switch which allows the distance that the MAVI can detect in front of you to change from 5 feet to 10 feet. If there is a low hanging object, step or ditch than the MAVI piece will play a tune. There is a different tune depending on where the object is and what it is.